Wednesday, January 24, 2007

So I'm Weird...

I can't stand it when people send me...wait I'm going to save that for one of my weird things.

Ben Robinson has "tagged" me. This is not the first time that I have been tagged nor will it most likely be the last. Though to my knowledge, never have I ever responded to said tag. I may have inadvertantly responded without knowing it (that's part of the charm of being me) or I may have responded in my sleep (again, charming) but I cannot honestly recall being interested before.

I am not interested now either but because Ben has tagged me and publically called me out on it in my comments, I will demur. I guess this is the point where I am supposed to "tag" others: Jonathan Oue, Brian Moats, Jonathan Henson, Jeremy Hodges, and Derek Hughes. I'm sure this will fail miserably.

Here we go:
  1. I hate it when people send me obnoxious little stuff like those emails that have all the pictures of birds flying and mountains and kittens and kittens eating birds on mountains. I'm not against kittens or mountains but I hate how a lot of people find "inspirational" emails worth their time. I hate listening to the midi file that's attached to these emails (like some version of How Great Thou Art that sounds like its being played on a $12 keyboard from Big Lots), and I hate the little admonitions at the end that promise death and destruction to anyone who does not "pass this blessing on". Do tags fall into this category?
  2. I still get panic striken in water because of the movie Jaws. When I was little my dad used to read me a book from the library called "Real Life Shark Attacks". Yeah, it was. Now, whenever I'm in water I can convince myself that there is a 2000 lbs. behemoth lurking just beneath the surface ready to chew me to death. This makes swimming in the ocean a virtual impossibility. Lakes are better although if the boat doesn't come and get me in about 3 seconds after I fall over skiing, you're going to see a brother do some modern-day walking on water. There are even times in my own swimming pool where I have rushed violently to the side and pulled myself from the water because he was coming. I may need therapy. Thanks Dad!
  3. I know that my other blog reached 93 on WordPress' Blogs of the Day: Growing Blogs on January 22, 2007 but I don't know my wife's cell phone number. Class, can you say narcissism?
  4. It takes about 3.72 seconds for someone to meet me and call me a jerk. I am particularly good at getting girls in waitressing positions to call me a jerk. I think that it says something about a person when they can get a total stranger who is depending on their tip for a living to open her mouth and say the words, "You're a jerk." I had a friend lately explain my existence to a man I didn't know as "Adam's entire reason for being is to put other people in increadibly awkward situations." Yeah.
  5. I frequently participate in extremely geeky behavior. I play video games sometimes to 3 or 4 in the morning. There's nothing like winning your seventh straight national championship game at 4:43 a.m. when you have somewhere to be at 6:00. I also collect comic books. There, I've admitted it. I collected comic books when I was in high school and for the last year I have been doing it again. I told myself for the longest time that it was only going to be a few titles. I think I may have said that to someone recently. "No, I don't collect. I just buy a few titles." Look, when you say the word "titles" in reference to comics and you look up comic stores in the yellow pages when you go to a new town, you're a collector. I also respond to "tags".
There, now that wasn't so bad. And here I thought that you stopped playing "tag" with boys when you graduated 4th grade.


Anonymous said...

you're so good to me... being a jerk and responding to my tag like you did. God, I love you. our friendship went to a whole new level. if henson doesn't respond, i will write his list for him.

Anonymous said...

wait wait wait... I can't believe I forgot to comment on your #1. i laughed a lot about it. and it is NORMAL to loathe waterfall kitten god loves you footprints in the sand emails. and indeed, how great thou art is being played on a $12 keyboard from big lots... i mean. that was some beautiful prose man. you took me there. it was like i had just gotten one of those emails and was clicking delete.

Jonathan said...

I already knew that you were weird.

Jeremy said...

wow, I didn't even know this blog still existed.....

The Bishop said...

You can't keep a good blog down Jerm.

Jonathan said...

You should have never told me about #1. Do you wonder why you always get forwards from me with all the pictures of birds flying and mountains and kittens and kittens eating birds on mountains? Maybe that is why you didn't want to give me your new email address.

Jeremy said...

So all dogs do go to heaven?

(I apologize now in advance if you do not get this joke....)

The Bishop said...

Joke not gotten.

Jeremy said...


Jonathan said...

You demur? Good word! Just another way that you are weird. Who says demur?

The Bishop said...

demure. a better word.