Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Go, Thom, Go

A good and pithy (for Allen) article from Thom Rainer.

Can I just take this opportunity to address Thom for a moment:
LifeWay price-gouges. And trying to look up stuff on your website is definitely an excercise in sanctification. Thank you.


Paul Lamey said...

So much for non-profit status...

Jonathan said...

There is a blog devoted specifically to reforming LifeWay:

Anonymous said...

wishful thinkin' there fellas

Max Lucado's "InTouch" bible study on Romans COMPLETELY skips chapter 9 and the latter half of 8...

Noob and i immediately grabbed a Spirit of the Reformation Bible and recited the Larger Catechism in the back...


The Bishop said...

Here is the link that Jonathan gave us.